Family Owned & Operated

Menold Seed Farms is proud to be a multi-generational family operation made up of three corporations owned separately by Ulrich and his sons Tyler & Lucas Menold.

Ulrich & Monika Menold Ltd. | TK Menold Farms Ltd. | L. Menold Ltd.

Menold Seed Farms is dedicated to providing producers with top quality seed to start off the growing season strong.

Located in Manitoba’s Red River Valley

The Red River Valley is home to some of the most productive and fertile land in Western Canada. Menold Seed Farms main yard is located 5 miles south of Carman, Manitoba and has a land base spread out between the RM’s of Roland, Homewood & Graysville.

Diverse & Reliable

At Menold Seed Farms, diversity and reliability are two things we take pride in. Our farm has grown over 12 different crop types including grains, oilseeds, grasses and cover crops. In addition to having a diverse, sustainable rotation, we also practice intercropping which allows us to get the most out of our acres for our customers. We work hard to ensure that the seed we are providing our customers with is thoroughly tested, cleaned and ready to make it to it’s destination on time!